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 CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP

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MessageSujet: CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP   CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Déc - 16:03

CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP Tumblr_mef6755oRS1qf47vvo1_500

"With this album CORTEZ is again proving that you can get out of the habitual pattern of power trio (guitar, drums and voice), and still burps noise-hardcore fury and incandescent anger. The band recently reorganized itself with the arrival of Antoine Tinguely on the guitar (ex-Berserk For Tea Time), Samuel Vaney, former guitarist, is now supporting the band as composer / mixer. Recorded partly in the REC Studio of Serge Morattel in Geneva, drums, and partly in their own rehearsal space, guitars and vocals, this new album is the result of hard work, giving the band big freedom in creation and the possibility to fully assume the production process. Complete independence in learning, creating and finalizing the record. "Phoebus" reaffirms the taste of Cortez for saturation, but also explores a wide range of possibilities. Like a threatening and corrosive mist the aggressive sound still remains intense, melancholic and emotional."

Artwork par Dehn Sora (Blut Aus Nord, Ulver, Omega Massif…)

En écoute ici -
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2xLP disponible fin janvier via Throatruiner Records, Basement Apes & Get A Life, version CD sur Basement Apes & Lost Pilgrims Records. Et leur récent split 10" avec Plebeian Grandstand est désormais en téléchargement libre ici :

CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP Tumblr_mfdmvyXvfE1qf47vvo1_500
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MessageSujet: Re: CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP   CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP Icon_minitimeLun 25 Fév - 12:42

"Phoebus" est maintenant disponible en 2xLP -

Clip en ligne ici :

CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP B0398ca479dc11e2984822000a1f9707_7
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CORTEZ | Phoebus 2xLP
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